Psychological & Psychoeducational assessment services in Ontario

About Our Assessments

Are you or your child struggling with school, work, staying focused, or keeping up with daily responsibilities?

Do you wonder if you are entitled to receive special accommodations?

Have others mentioned that you or your child may be within the Autism spectrum?

At CBT Psychology for Personal Development, we offer psychological and psychoeducational assessment services for children, adolescents, and adults. An assessment will clarify and provide answers about a person’s cognitive, learning, behavioural, social, and emotional needs. Following a psychoeducational assessment, our clients will be equipped with a personalized plan consisting of recommendations for accommodations and therapeutic interventions based on their strengths and weaknesses to help them succeed.

We offer assessments for diagnostic clarification for:

Not sure what services you or your child need? Our assessment clinicians offer free 10-minute consultations to identify your concerns and determine the appropriate next steps for you

Assessment Services

Assessment Quick Facts

Psychoeducational Assessment

  • For concerns with learning, memory, reading, writing, comprehension, and math; attention issues (e.g., ADHD), behavioural issues (e.g., oppositional or defiant behaviours), socio-emotional difficulties (e.g., anxiety, depression)
  • Following this comprehensive assessment, accommodations and individualized support options are explored
  • We also offer psychoeducational + Autism Spectrum Disorder assessments

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment

  • For concerns with developmental milestones, communication, learning, social skills, and unusual or repetitive behaviours
  • Identify and/or rule out symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Following assessment, appropriate therapeutic options and support services are explored

ADHD Assessment

  • For concerns with attention, restlessness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, planning, organization, and concentration
  • Identify and rule out symptoms of ADHD and/or ODD
  • Following assessment, appropriate therapeutic options and educational support options are explored

Giftedness Assessment

  • For academically advanced, creative, and strong problem-solving children
  • Identify and confirm whether a child is functioning above what is expected at their age
  • Following assessment, placement in “gifted” programming in educational settings and academic enrichment options are explored

Psychological Assessment for Diagnosis Clarification

  • To clarify a psychological diagnosis for anxiety disorders, personality disorders, depression, OCD, and more
  • Identify socio-emotional concerns by exploring thoughts, feelings, and coping mechanisms
  • Following assessment, the client is provided with their diagnosis and has the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the treatments available to improve and promote more adaptive coping, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and other therapeutic modalities

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What does the assessment process look like?
    • An initial 1 hour session to gather background information and identify which assessment is appropriate.
    • Testing sessions (hours based on assessment type)
    • A final feedback session to discuss the results of the assessment and answer questions about the diagnosis.
  • Q: Does OHIP cover the assessment?
    • OHIP does not cover assessments, but most insurance plans cover all or part of the assessment cost.
  • Q: Is there a waitlist?
    • No! Our clinicians continue to book assessments with minimal wait times. This means you don’t have to remain on a waitlist with thousands of other students in Ontario looking to get assessed through their school board. Given how important these assessments are to student success, we are proud to have clinicians who are readily available on our team to support your child.
  • Q: What does the cost of an assessment include?
    • The cost of the assessment includes all of the appointments needed to complete your assessment (intake, testing, feedback), testing materials, and the completion of a written report. There may be additional fees for additional forms or documentation requested by the client following the assessment.
  • Q: Do I need a referral from my doctor or school?
    • We welcome referrals, but they are not necessary. Most of our clients self-refer!
Psychoeducational assessment

Take first step today!

Embrace Change and Grow with Us. Take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.
Schedule your consultation now!

Get in Touch

If you are interested in our assessment services, please call or text 905-597-4404 or fill out the form below and you will be contacted within 24 business hours.

Are you a resident of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick?*
*At this time CBT Psychology provides services to residents of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.
Is it OK to leave a message at this number?
We will contact you within 24 hours.

CBT Psychology For Personal Development is located at 7626 Yonge St, Thornhill, ON L4J 1V9.