People who suffer from bipolar disorder experience extreme and prolonged emotions. One day they may feel on top of the world, extremely optimistic and with the sense that they can accomplish anything. The energy and euphoria are usually accompanied by a need for little sleep and an engagement in reckless behaviour such as spending a lot of money on unnecessary things, driving at high speeds, or engaging in unsafe sexual behaviours. During manic episodes, people may spend endless hours cleaning, be very irritable, creative, and think and talk very fast to the point that others cannot understand them. This episode of mania may last for days, weeks or months depending on the individual. But then, what may seem like out of nowhere, all of that energy is gone and the person may wake up unable to get out of bed, feeling sad, worthless and lacking interest in doing anything. Where did all that energy and excitement go? A depressive state took over and now they are full of self-loathing for the reckless things they did during their manic episode. These emotions, behaviours and thinking patterns are far more extreme and dangerous than the normal ups and downs that others experience. They interfere with the ability to function at school or work and can damage relationships.
Bipolar disorder therapy in Ontario
It is important to know that bipolar disorder can be treated and people who suffer from this illness can lead productive and fulfilling lives.
Bipolar disorder is treated with psycho-education and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy.
Psycho-Education involves learning and understanding the characteristics of this disorder. Patients learn skills to cope with their problematic symptoms and to recognize signs of relapse.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy consists of a short-term therapeutic approach (20 sessions) in an individual format. The focus is placed on learning behavioural and cognitive skills to recognize, prevent and relieve symptoms and to change maladaptive thoughts and behaviour patterns associated with this disorder. The goal of treatment is to help clients moderate their mood shifts, resolve personal and relationship problems and alleviate the symptoms of mania and Depression.
If you or a loved one is suffering from manic-depressive episodes email us at Info@Cbtpsychology.Com or call us at 905-597-4404 to get help.
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Get in Touch
If you are interested in therapy for bipolar disorder in Vaughan, Thornhill, Markham, or the GTA, please call or text 905-597-4404 or fill out the form below and you will be contacted within 24 business hours.