Given the official advice around Covid-19 to not gather in crowds and to keep our distance from people, we will be offering Video & Telephone therapy services as an alternative to our in-person sessions.
For people who are not comfortable with video or telephone services, some therapists will still be providing in-person therapy sessions. To ensure the safety of our staff and clients, we will only accept patients in our offices who:
1. Have not travelled within the past 3 weeks
2. Are free of symptoms of cold or flu.
3. Have not been and are not close to people that have been affected by the Corona Virus
If you meet any of the 3 requirements stated above, please let us know so we can help you in switching to online or phone sessions.
In order to keep our offices disinfected, we developed specific guidelines to follow. This includes using Lysol wipes to clean all the most-touched surfaces such as desks, tables, door handles and phones several times during the day and using Lysol disinfecting spray to clean the air in the office during our breaks.
In addition, we kindly ask all our valued clients to wash your hands before your session as this is an easy action that hugely helps. The washrooms are located in the basement.
Please email us at to learn more about switching to online therapy sessions.