Mental Health Stigma

Mental Health Stigma

When people have pain or a problem caused by physical illness they go to the appropriate specialist, but when it comes to mental health, some people hesitate to seek help. Why is it that people don’t seek or accept help for a mental health problem?

People sometimes hope that they will be able to stop certain negative or dysfunctional thoughts, painful emotions or impulsive behaviours. But time passes, and they don’t change. Not only do they not change but they spiral downwards.

Just because you cannot physically see the pain does not mean it cannot be helped. The mind is part of the body and the general health.

Psychological problems are part of a continuum, on one end is the perfectly healthy person, and on the other end are the people who suffer from severe mental health difficulties. In between, there are different levels of suffering caused to oneself and others around by behaviours, emotions and dysfunctional beliefs.

If you have doubts about whether you or a loved one would benefit from psychological help or treatment, you can ask your family doctor’s opinion or call a psychologist in your area and ask over the phone. If you feel like your life is becoming more and more difficult than what you hoped, what are you waiting for? Get some help. We all have just one life and there is no reason to waste your present time suffering.

Most people that have sought psychological treatment report improvements in the quality of their lives, their relationships and increased self-confidence.

Let’s fight mental health stigma as a community! Encourage people in need to seek professional help!

To book an appointment, click here
Written By: Dr. Silvina Galperin PhD, C. Psych.

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