Referals are not necessary but some private insurance plans may require them, so please contact your plan administrator to find out your coverage details. Patients can contact the office directly to book an appointment, be referred by their doctor or insurance plan. Payment is due after each session.
Fees are established according to the guidelines of the Ontario Psychological Association and are reimbursable by most extended benefit plans. Please contact the office to inquire about our rates. OHIP does not cover psychological services.
Cancellation Policy
If patients must cancel or change an appointment, it is important that we are notified at least 36 hours in advance so the time can be offered to another client. Please note that the CBT Psychology for Personal Development charges full fees for sessions that are missed or cancelled with less than 36 hours notice.
Under certain extenuating circumstances (e.g., medical illness), fees for missed or canceled sessions may be waived. These situations are handled on a case-by-case basis.