Separation Anxiety Treatment in Ontario

What Is Separation Anxiety?

Experiencing anxiety when separated from parents is a normal developmental stage that typically ends around age 2. However, older children and teens may also feel anxious and distressed when separated from their caregivers. They may worry about their safety and the safety of their family when they are not together.

When this persists into later years and significantly affects daily life, it may indicate Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD).  Separation Anxiety Disorder involves excessive fear and anxiety that interferes with a person’s daily life. Children usually refuse to go to school, to friend’s houses, or to birthday parties. They may also be unable to sleep in their own room without a parent nearby, or need to sleep in their parents’ room.

Symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder

  • Excessive worry about the safety of loved ones
  • Refusing to go to school or social events
  • Physical symptoms like stomachaches or headaches
  • Difficulty sleeping alone
  • Tantrums or crying when faced with separation

An Example Of Separation Anxiety Disorder

Melanie is 9 years old. She has been missing days of school, complaining of terrible stomachaches. Melanie worries about going to school and being separated from her parents. She is concerned about their safety, “What if something bad happens to my parents? What if they get into a car accident on the way home? What if they forget to pick me up after school?” Each day is a struggle for Melanie, as she doesn’t want to leave her home or the car when her mother brings her to school. Her mother has tried to go in with her and wait for a few minutes in the hallway but Melanie is still afraid of her leaving and throws tantrums when she has to say goodbye.

When the school day is over, and she is back at home, she immediately feels better and her symptoms disappear. However, when thinking about the next morning, and going to school, Melanie begins to feel anxious and worried and feels sick. She likes to sleep in her parents’ bed and cannot sleep on her own. She stopped going to her friend’s houses and as a result, she now spends most of her time at home with her mother. Her parents and teacher are concerned with Melanie’s progress at school as she continues to miss classes and tests.

Separation Anxiety Disorder

Treatment For Separation Anxiety Disorder

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is effective in treating Separation Anxiety Disorder.

Treatment by a psychotherapist or child psychologist begins by helping the child understand that anxiety is a natural response to the possibility of danger, but their anxiety alarm may be exaggerated. Children are then taught to identify and challenge worrisome thoughts and recognize the bodily feelings of anxiety as they are developing. Children will also be asked to gradually face their smallest fears and as they succeed in achieving this they will build the self-confidence necessary to continue their progress to conquer their larger fears.

Get Professional Help Today

If your child is struggling with Separation Anxiety Disorder, we are here to help. Book an appointment with our experienced psychologists today and take the first step toward reducing anxiety and building confidence.

Additional Readings:

Anxiety In Children

Anxiety Disorders

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Get in Touch

If you are interested in therapy for separation anxiety disorder in Vaughan, Thornhill, Markham, or the GTA, please call or text 905-597-4404 or fill out the form below and you will be contacted within 24 business hours.

We offer in person and online therapy sessions.