Social anxiety treatment clinic in Ontario

Social anxiety disorder affects around 7% of the population. People with social anxiety disorder usually feel nervous and uncomfortable in social situations. They are concerned that they will do something embarrassing or humiliating, causing others to think poorly of them. Most people with social anxiety disorder experience symptoms as early as childhood or adolescence. Social anxiety disorder, like other anxiety disorders, tends to be hereditary. Read about Anxiety In Children.

Social anxiety disorder becomes a problem when the feelings become too intense or frequent and affect many aspects of a person’s life.

Typical situations where people with social anxiety disorder experience difficulties may include participating in meetings or in class, giving presentations, attending social gatherings, speaking over the phone, dating, meeting new people, eating in public, writing in public, and more.

In social situations, people with social anxiety disorder will usually experience one or more of the following physical symptoms before or during a social situation: blushing, trouble breathing, racing heart, upset stomach, shaking, choking sensations, sweating, trembling, dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, a light head, and blurred vision. Generally, the worry is what other people may think of them if the onset of these symptoms becomes noticeable.

People with a social anxiety disorder may believe that others will think they are stupid, inferior, or will perceive them as boring.

People with social anxiety tend to avoid certain activities like going to parties, taking courses, or working in jobs that require public speaking. They may also do things to protect themselves from contact with people such as drinking alcohol, staying quiet, and avoiding eye contact during social functions.

Social Anxiety Disorder

The Power Of Therapy For Social Anxiety

Teenagers in particular often suffer from this condition as this is the time when peer approval and belonging are fundamental. At CBT Psychology for Personal Development, our child psychologists and psychotherapists help adolescents with social anxiety disorder challenge their negative thoughts, and coach them to take small steps in exposing themselves socially; afterward, we evaluate the results of their interactions. This way, they learn how to overcome their fears and become more self-confident and outgoing. The outcome is usually much better than what the clients predict. At CBT Psychology, many teens have learned how to become more social, less fearful about social situations, and happier with themselves through teen counselling.

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If you are interested in social anxiety therapy in Vaughan, Thornhill, Markham, or the GTA, please call or text 905-597-4404 or fill out the form below and you will be contacted within 24 business hours.