By Janet Marmur. Social anxiety teens
What is Social Anxiety? How to spot the symptoms in Teens
Social anxiety can impact children, youth and adults alike at school, home or in the community. Parents, family members, and teachers are in a unique position to notice and may be concerned that their child is experiencing difficulty. Some signs that a child is experiencing anxiety could include that the child is spending more time on their own, or is experiencing difficulty attending family functions, trips to the grocery store or mall. Sometimes their child is having trouble making friends or engaging with peers or participating in classroom discussions.
Anxiety can present in the form of avoidance of situations and even behaviour outbursts. Sometimes, the child will talk about their challenges or they may keep their worries to themselves. During transition periods such as entering high school, changing schools or other lifecycle changes, anxiety can become more noticeable. Both individual and group counselling have been proven to be very beneficial in pinpointing problem areas and providing the child with coping strategies. Involving parents in the therapy process is often very helpful.
During my career as a social worker, I have led several social anxiety groups for teens targeting the challenges around interacting with others and speaking up in a group. It is both fulfilling and rewarding to observe the progress of participants and see their sense of accomplishment and delight as they gain new skills. Many come to the group with fear and reluctance and have difficulty speaking up for themselves. Throughout the group, we work on activities and skills which guide them to interact with others in a supportive and safe environment. Whether raising a hand in class, ordering food in the local coffee shop, speaking to peers at school or in the group, the participants gain confidence in their social interactions. Often parents also report the observable difference in their children.
Book An Appointment
If you are interested in therapy in Vaughan, Thornhill, Markham or the GTA, please call 905.597.4404 for a free 15-minute consultation or fill out the form below and someone will contact you within 24 business hours: