The midlife reset: reconnecting with yourself

The midlife reset: reconnecting with yourself

Doing More but Feeling Less

Brittany was tired of feeling like nothing was ever enough. She felt drained, losing the spark that had always fueled her personality and her approach to life. As a professional, mother, and friend, Brittany had always been a go-getter—balancing career goals, taking her kids to soccer and dance, and constantly studying to stay on top of her field and trends.

But lately, work had lost its thrill. She found herself struggling to focus, her once-sharp mind foggy and distracted. Waves of hot sweat would hit her suddenly, forcing her to remember that she was now in the second stage of life and her mind still racing through endless to-do lists. Yet no matter how many things she crossed off, the satisfaction never came. Instead, she felt stuck—running on a treadmill.

Uncovering What’s Truly Missing

In therapy, Brittany began to explore these feelings. It wasn’t just exhaustion. There was something deeper, something missing. She talked about the nagging sense of lack, the realization that chasing goal after goal no longer filled her up. The thought of continuing this way for years to come wasn’t going to do it.

These questions were brewing in her mind: What if she did things just because they brought her joy? What if she lived for herself, not for the demands of her career or others’ needs? What if she moved to another country and changed the scene? These possibilities were scary but also exciting. For the first time in years, Brittany let herself imagine a life that wasn’t just about achievement and doing the same.

Reconnecting with Joy

After openly considering and analyzing many options in therapy, Brittany realized that she didn’t want to make a drastic change in her life. She was going to continue working in her job because she actually liked it, it aligned with her values and quitting wasn’t going to make her feel better. But she decided to create more space to pursue other interests. She started spending more time with friends and family in nature and to try a new hobby, which she had loved doing as a girl.

Signing up for an art class was her choice. From the moment Brittany stepped into the studio, something shifted. The atmosphere was calm, creative, and free of judgment. It wasn’t about being perfect or achieving something anymore. It became about being present, feeling the movement of her hand as she chose the colours to apply intuitively on the white canvas, and watching unexpected shapes and scenes come to life. In those moments, nothing else mattered. Just the joy and the fun of being alive and expressing herself.

The hot flashes still came, but they were less significant. The fatigue lingered, but it felt lighter and more manageable. During and after each class, Brittany felt vibrant and alive. She wasn’t just ticking boxes anymore—she was reconnecting with herself.

The fresh sensations and emotions she was missing were not from reaching the next work goal or milestone but from simply being herself and creating with her hands.

What brings you joy? We’d love to hear what makes you feel truly alive!

Midlife crisis and finding joy

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