Trauma treatment clinic in Ontario

What Is Trauma Therapy?

Trauma counselling is provided by psychologists and psychotherapists for people who have faced traumatic situations. A traumatic situation can be any situation where you feel threatened and unsafe. Some examples of events that cause trauma are near-death experiences, violent assaults, sexual or Domestic Abuse, and natural disasters.

Furthermore, these unexpected situations can strike fast and hard. You may develop a severe emotional reaction that affects your life. This reaction may happen a long time after the event has passed. In therapy, clients learn exercises to relax, feel grounded and safe. A variety of self-soothing strategies allow clients to feel safe during their sessions.

Consequently, several methods of therapy that can be used to treat trauma, such as Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Exposure therapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).

Trauma Symptoms

Trauma can present symptoms such as bodily sensations of fear, emotional reactions, changes in thoughts and perception. Usual symptoms also include the avoidance of situations or places that remind them of the event.

If some of these symptoms are affecting you or a loved one, you can seek help through trauma counselling.

Trauma Therapy & PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

The events that cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are physically and mentally overwhelming for anyone. It is common for people to experience overwhelming feelings after experiencing life-threatening events.

In fact, people who suffer from PTSD usually re-experience the traumatic event in one or more ways. Often it may be through disturbing memories and flashbacks.

In children, this is represented by play that demonstrates pieces of the traumatic experience. Some people have recurring dreams or nightmares, and/or act as if the traumatic event were still happening.

Furthermore, intense psychological distress and physical reactions can be triggered by any cues that resemble the traumatic event. These cues can be images, places, smells, noises. Often times, these cues can stop you from doing things that you even enjoy doing. Eventually, this leads to people developing tendencies to avoid situations.

If you suffer from PTSD, you may try to avoid thoughts and conversations associated with the trauma. Additionally, you may avoid activities, places, or people that remind you of the trauma. Similarly, you may also feel detached from others. It is also common to have a sense that you will not have a future. For example, you may not expect to marry, have children or to lead a normal life. These recurring thoughts are sometimes difficult to process. Therefore, understanding PTSD is the first step to managing it.

We Can Organize the Symptoms of PTSD into Categories:

Memories of the event:

  1. Recurrent and distressing memories
  2. Nightmares about the event
  3. Flashbacks: videos in the mind that feel like being at the traumatic event again

Avoidance of things that remind you of the event:

  • Reluctance to talk and/or think about the traumatic event
  • Avoidance of activities, places, people, objects, sounds or odours that remind of the traumatic event

Changes in thoughts, emotions and social interactions:

  • Negative thoughts about themselves, others and the world
  • Hopelessness about the future
  • Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy
  • Feeling detached and unable to connect with others
  • Emotionally numb and with difficulties feeling joy
  • Anger, irritability, aggression

Changes in the nervous system:

  • Being easily startled, frightened or on guard for danger
  • Difficulties, with sleep and concentration
  • Self-destructive behaviour, such as drinking or using substances to cope

Getting Help For Trauma

Clients who experience post-traumatic stress disorder will present a particular combination of symptoms.

At CBT Psychology for Personal Development, a clinical psychologist, child psychologist, or psychotherapist will develop a plan to provide trauma counselling formulated specifically for you.

Additionally, the therapist will consider the strengths and inner resources of the person. The therapist will decide where to begin in the trauma therapy treatment process how to respond to the obstacles.

Your Therapist will identify, address, and devise a plan for your trauma therapy based on the characteristics of your own personal situation.

Additional Readings:

Interpersonal Trauma: 5 Steps To Help Yourself by Payal Bhole

Vicarious Trauma: When Empathy Goes Too Far & How To Cope With It

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Get in Touch

If you are interested in trauma therapy in Vaughan, Thornhill, Markham, or the GTA, please call or text 905-597-4404 or fill out the form below and you will be contacted within 24 business hours.

Are you a resident of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick?*
*At this time CBT Psychology provides services to residents of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.
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